Félix, thank you for sharing your thoughts. Indeed, the notion of responsibility is often crushed by the obsession of liberty .


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I feel like there are a lot of overlaps with your recent book on Fraternity.

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Dear Felix (allow me to use this word...)

We do not know each other, but I am proud to be one your father's friend.

I truly and deeply enjoyed your work. The fact that we are intertwined in the World is unfortunately forgotten. You adequately quote the famous Descartes' “I think, therefore I am”. Of interest, Oriental philosophy and spirituality prefers to claim “You are, therefore I am”, because I cannot live by myself. I need the presence and value of the other to be able to live. We definitely need to understand, and live our lives as a whole.

Finally, ironically, I just finish to read Patti Smith's last book “Devotion” yesterday, and I really enjoyed the way you used this concept to conclude your essay.



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Dear Sadek,

Thanks for sharing your response. What's interesting is that the West has it's own tradition of "You are, therefore I am” in Christian mysticism; it's just a very particular subset of Western civilization, the ideology of Modernity, that has taken over.


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Inspirationally woven & written, Felix! Wise reflections on several harmonious philosophical and pragmatic fronts. Rock on, man.

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Dear Félix, thanks a lot. We need people like you to help the world grow. Constance

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