For historical reasons (Croatia and Hungary used to share a state, and we are now back together in the EU), I belive we share some inclination to healthy pessimism in Croatia :)

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Thank you for bringing this here @Felix. Question: is there a version of this piece available that is not white text on black background? I find reading blocks of white on black very challenging so I'm only able to read it in small doses, but I am curious to learn more.

This is a common readability challenge -- I'm not sure why substack has a setting where writers can publish like this.

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Hi. I just changed it. Let me know if that works for you.

I chose that format because I personally enjoy white text on dark background, but I'm not attached it.

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Yes! Thank you -- the difference is night and day. Great piece -- glad I could read it! "Same-day Amazon deliveries don’t make resilient individuals." Indeed!!!

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